Microsoft Exchange Server software "zero day" vulnerabilities
Notice to MTSI Exchange Customers:
Dear Customer,
Last week, it was widely reported that four previously unknown or “zero-day” vulnerabilities in Microsoft’s Exchange Server software were being actively exploited by cyber attackers suspected to be associated with a foreign government. These defects could allow attackers to steal data or deploy malicious software to unpatched Exchange Servers.
Our vendor began applying patches to address these vulnerabilities immediately after Microsoft made them available. In parallel, with the help of one of the cybersecurity firms credited with discovering these defects, our security team began looking for evidence as to whether we were affected. We can report that, to date, we see no evidence that these Exchange vulnerabilities have led to any unauthorized access to Microsoft Exchange systems, applications, or data.
The security and availability of your data is our highest priority, and to that end we employ advanced threat detection technologies across our infrastructure that help us detect and block cyber-attacks. We monitor our systems around the clock both with our own dedicated global security personnel along with trusted security partners, and our operations team quickly applies critical security patches when they become available.
Any further patches that are released will be promptly applied by our team. There is no action you need to take at this time.
Thank you, as always, for being a valued MTSi Customer. If you have any further questions please reach out to support@
MTSi Support Team